Canine Cloning-Bring Your Lovely Dog Back Again

Dogs are man's best friend and most loyal companion; however, the lives of dogs are much shorter than humans. Therefore, how to reimagine and extend the very special love and memory with your lovely one is a common concern of pet owners. Aided by the assisted reproductive technology, BioVenic is now providing cell preservation and dog cloning services to bring your lovely dog back again.

Cloning Technology

Cloning Technology

Dog cloning is an assisted reproductive method to create a genetically identical copy by using the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology. It usually starts with tissue sample collection. We just need 2-4 small patches of fresh skin tissues (2 mm X 2 mm) from your dog, which causes minimal damage to your lovely one. It is recommended to preserve the tissues/cells when the dog is still alive in order to avoid the tension or misconduct after its death which may close the window for a successful lost cloning. However, if your dog has just passed away before the collection of tissue samples you may:

Genetic Similarity

Our cloned dog is guaranteed to have more than 99.9% similarity in the genes compared to the original. It is a genetically identical copy or identical twin.

Appearance Characteristics

The cloned dog shares almost same appearance characteristics with the donor.

Sample Types

Yes: skin tissues, with whole, living, active cells.

No: hair, dander, bones, nails, saliva, blood… without whole, living cells.


Lifespan: Cloned dogs live as long as normally born puppies.

Services Prices

preservation & cloning service
Services Lead Time Price (USD)
Cell culture and preservation, up to 10 years 1-2 months $4,500 Check Out
Canine cloning, vaccination and nursing 8-12 months $46,900 Check Out


  1. Other costs like preservation kit, sampling, transportation may apply.
  2. Upfront payment is 70%. The rest is due once the cloned puppy is born.

Our vision at BioVenic is to continue to develop and grow the science so that dog cloning is available to all dog owners. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.

Online Inquiry
  • *including parentage verification, health package service, breed profiling, and luxurious package service.